Document Scanning Services
Paper, Microfilm, Photo Negatives
Scan-It, Inc. provides document scanning services for converting virtually any type of hardcopy document to an electronic image file. We scan large format engineering drawings, blueprints, letter-legal-ledger sized paper, photo prints, 16mm/35mm roll microfilm, 16mm/35mm microfiche, 35mm aperture cards, and photo film negatives. We use high resolution document scanners to capture images in black & white, color or grey-scale. We can output to any standard image file type such as PDF, TIFF or JPEG. Converted images can be delivered on a variety of media formats such as Flash Drive, DVD, Portable HDD, or uploaded to online storage services such as Box, DropBox or Google Drive.
Paper Scanning
• Business Size: Letter, Legal, Ledger – up to 11″ X 17″
• Wide Format: Engineering Drawings, Blueprints and Maps
Microfilm Scanning
• 16mm/35mm Roll Microfilm
• 16mm/35mm Microfiche
• 35mm Aperture Cards
Photo Negative Scanning
- 35mm, 110, 120, 126, 127, 4″ X 5″ (and larger)
- B&W, Color – Strips and Slides
Medical Record Scanning
Scan-It, Inc. has a long history of providing Medical Record Scanning Services for Hospitals, Clinics, Medical and Mental Health Practices throughout the Pacific NW. While Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems are useful tools for managing personal/protected healthcare information (PHI), they cannot access information contained in older hardcopy patient charts unless the charts have been scanned, indexed and uploaded into the EMR system. This leaves healthcare workers scrambling as they must check multiple locations for a complete overview of a patient’s healthcare history.
Scan-It’s Medical Record Scanning Services allow clients to outsource the document conversion process while maintaining focus on the day-to-day operations of their healthcare practice. Charts are packed and securely transported to our facility where they are prepped, scanned, indexed and the converted image files written to portable media (Flash Drive, DVD, HDD) or uploaded to a secure repository. All that remains is to import the digitized records to the EMR system. The patient’s medical history is now complete and easily accessible.

Scan-It worked closely with us at first to configure their machines to meet our needs. This allowed for an excellent image quality. Once settings were in place and staff training was completed, the quality of the project has been exceptional. There are few errors and those that are made are fixed quickly.
The project is scheduled to complete at the end of this year and the work is on course to meet the timeline projected. Scan-It has also stayed within the budgeted amount based upon the quote and contract.
Overall, I believe that Scan-It is a highly responsible company that is both easy to work with and consistently produces a high quality product.
Michelle Layton
Director of Electronic Health Information
Salem Clinic, P.C.
Our services include:
- Secure packing and transport to our facility
- Document Preparation – remove staples, fasteners, mend torn pages, etc.
- High speed, high quality document scanning
- Quality check and visual verification of all scanned images
- File segmenting to match existing EMR index structure or current file system
- File naming or data entry for proper identification within EMR system
- Write/record converted image files to media of your choice – CD, DVD, HDD
- Interim record storage, secure document destruction or return of files
- 24/7 access to patient information while records are in our custody
Output Formats: TIFF, JPEG, PDF, OCR
Delivery Options: Flash Drive, DVD, HDD, FTP, Cloud Storage
Document Destruction: Secure, confidential shredding and recycling services